When I was a youth it was the best day - it was the best day of my life

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40oz to Freedom
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we're only gonna die for our arrogance (early man)
early man walked away as modern man took control
their minds weren't all the same, to conquer was their goal
so he built his great empire and he slaughtered his own kind
he died a confused man killed himself with his own mind

early man walked away as modern man took control
their minds weren't all the same and to conquer was their goal
so he built his great empire and he slaughtered his own kind
he died a confused man and he killed himself with his own mind...
let's go!!

early man walked away as modern man took control
their minds weren't all the same and to conquer was their goal
so he built his great empire and he slaughtered his own kind
he died a confused man and he killed himself with his own mind...
let's go!!

early man walked away as modern man took control
their minds weren't all the same and to conquer was their goal
so he built his great empire and he slaughtered his own kind
he died a confused man and he killed himself with his own mind...
let's go!!

early man walked away as modern man took control
their minds weren't all the same and to conquer was their goal
so he built his great empire and he slaughtered his own kind
he died a confused man and he killed himself with his own mind...
let's go!!

we're only gonna die from our own arrogance
that's why we might as well take our time

was written by Greg Graffin of Bad Religion in 1982 on their debut release: How Could Hell Be Any Worse?

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Site by Chris Carey, from Orange County, CA
Email chris a-t sublimespot d-o-t com
The sun and graphics on the side are the work of Opie Ortiz
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Reggae Artist, Punk Rock Bands, Ska, Hip Hop, Urban Lifestyle, Brad Nowell, Music, Black Flys, Hemp Clothing, Tattoos